Will your book be included?
2024: Frankfurt Book Fair with Springboard Edition
Will we see you at the largest book fair in the world?
Knowing everything works well
It is important for authors to know that their project, in which they invest a lot of time and knowledge, is in reliable hands.
Beste Inhalte für Ihre Leserinnen und Leser
Gemeinsam schauen wir, dass Ihr Projekt nicht nur Sie begeistert, sondern auch Ihre zukünftigen Leserinnen und Leser. Wir arbeiten miteinander im Team, um Kräfte und Wissen zu bündeln.
Schreibende und Lesende: Nähe und Austausch
Wissen erweitern
Viele Ideen und Manuskripte werden abgelehnt. Springboard Edition veröffentlicht keine Belletristik, sondern Sach- und Fachbücher. Das bedeutet, dass die Bücher in Nischenmärkten bestehen. Genau das ist die Stärke von Expertinnen und Experten: Sie kennen ihre Leserschaft.
Publishing expertise for science and practice
The authors of Springboard Edition mostly have an academic background. They bring their knowledge from research and practice into the projects, are advised on positioning and supported sympathetically during the writing process. We discuss future marketing together, ideally at a very early stage of the writing process, so that a suitable strategy is already in place when the book is finished.
Springboard Edition is a publishing company that publishes and distributes the knowledge of experts offline and online.
All publications are designed, implemented, published and distributed from the outset in close collaboration with the experts for German and/or English-speaking markets.
As an expert, you have extensive theoretical and/or practical knowledge. In addition, you can think with us about which other formats could be suitable for you to inspire your audience. Suitable formats could be seminars, workshops, online courses, but special events could also be suitable.
Marketing your book project begins before the writing process. With Springboard Edition you can publish in German and English. Your books can be ordered through your favorite bookseller next door as well as online bookstores.
A fresh, small, fine publisher…
The beginning has been made
Leipziger Book Fair: Thank You!
Frankfurt Book Fair
Now there is not only the Leipzig Book Fair and the Frankfurt Book Fair, but also the London Book Fair and other interesting events.